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Black Dog

Behaviour Consults

No two dogs are the same, so why should their training experiences be the same?

Each dog is a unique individual. That's why all of our sessions are personalized and tailored to you,

your dog, and your unique situation.


Each behaviour consult involves the following:


  • Discussing your dog's individual training struggles

  • A personalized training plan

  • A welcome package for new clients with items specific to your dog and your training plan (you will receive your package with paid sessions or programs)


A behaviour consult allows us to meet with you and your dog to get to know you a bit more and determine exactly what to include in your training plan. A consult is also a great first step if you're unsure of exactly what you're looking for when it comes to your dog training experience and your dog-owning dream.


*Behaviour consults are currently free!*

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